American Among Panelists Rendering Decision Against U.S. Safeguard Measures
An interesting sidelight to yesterday's decision by the WTO's Appellate Body on the U.S. Safeguards on steel products was that an American was one of the three members of the Appellate Body that rendered the opinion against the United States. The three members of the panel that rendered the Appellate Body's decision were Mr. James Bacchus from the United States, Mr. John Lockhart from Australia and Mr. Georges Abi-Saab of Egypt.
Mr. Bacchus, one of the original members of the WTO Appellate Body is finishing his second and final four year term as a member of the Appellate Body. He is a former U.S. Congressman and Special Assistant to the United States Trade Representative. Mr. Bacchus will soon be replaced by Professor Merit Janow of Columbia University (see story below).