Commerce Issues Preliminary Antidumping Determinations on Polyethylene Retail Carrier Bags
Today the U.S. Department of Commerce (the Department) announced its preliminary determinations in the antidumping duty investigations on imports of polyethylene retail carrier bags (PRCBs) from the People's Republic of China (PRC), Malaysia, and Thailand. DOC preliminarily found that producers/exporters have sold PRCBs in the U.S. market at less than fair value, with margins ranging from 0.12 percent to 122.88 percent. DOC is scheduled to make its final determinations in these investigations in June 2004.
The petition requesting these investigations was filed by the Polyethylene Retail Carrier Bag Committee and its individual members, PCL Packaging, Inc., Sonoco Products Company, Superbag Corp., Vanguard Plastics, Inc., and Inteplast Group, Ltd. The merchandise subject to these investigations is PRCBs which may be referred to as t-shirt sacks, merchandise bags, grocery bags, or checkout bags and is classified under statistical category 3923.21.0090 of the Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States.