Preliminary Antidumping Findings on Shrimp From Brazil, Ecuador, India, and Thailand Announced
The U.S. Department of Commerce (DOC) has just announced the preliminary determinations in the antidumping duty investigations on imports of certain frozen and canned warmwater shrimp from Brazil, Ecuador, India and Thailand. DOC has found that producers/exporters have sold frozen and canned warmwater shrimp from Brazil, Ecuador, India, and Thailand in the U.S. market at less than fair value, with margins ranging from 0.00% to 67.80% for Brazil, 6.08% to 9.35% for Ecuador, 3.56% to 27.49% for India, and 5.56% to 10.25% for Thailand.
The individual and "all others" dumping margins are as follows:
Empresa de Armazenagem Frigorifica Ltda. (EMPAF) = 0.00%
Central de Industrializacao e Distribuicao de Alimentos Ltda. (CIDA) = 8.41%
Norte Pesca S.A. = 67.80%
All Others Rate = 36.91%
Exporklore S.A. = 9.35%
Exportadora De Alimenos S.A. (Expalsa) = 6.08%
Promarisco S.A. = 6.77%
All Others Rate = 7.30%
Hindustan Lever Limited (HLL) = 27.49%
Devi Sea Foods Ltd. (Devi) = 3.56%
Nekkanti Seafoods Limited (Nekkanti) = 9.16%
All Others Rate = 14.20%
Andaman Seafood Co., Ltd., Chanthaburi Seafoods Co., Ltd., and Thailand Fishery Cold Storage Public Co., Ltd. (collectively Rubicon Group) = 5.56%
Thai I-Mei Frozen Foods Co., Ltd., (Thai-I-Mei) = 5.91%
The Union Frozen Products Co., Ltd. (UFP) = 10.25%
All Others Rate = 6.39%
As a result of today's determinations, U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) will suspend liquidations of all shipments of shrimp from Brazil, Ecuador, India, and Thailand entered or withdrawn from warehouse for consumption and CBP will require a cash deposit or the posting of a bond equal to the margins shown above.
DOC will now begin the process of verifying the data submitted by the respondents and will issue its final determinations in these investigation in mid-December. The U.S. International Trade Commission (ITC) is scheduled to make its final injury determination at the end of January 2005.
DOC announced the preliminary results of the antidumping duty investigations on shrimp from China and Vietnam on July 16, 2004.