BIS Requests Comments on Effectiveness of TSRA Licensing Procedures For Exports to Cuba
The Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) today published in the Federal Register a notice requesting comments on the effectiveness of licensing procedures for the export of agricultural commodities to Cuba under the Trade Sanctions Reform and Export Enhancement Act of 2000 (TSRA). The comments will be included in a biennial report to Congress covering the operation of the TSRA licensing system for the period from October 1, 2002 to September 30, 2004. Comments must be submitted to BIS by October 28, 2004.
As a result of TSRA, BIS created License Exception Agricultural Commodities (AGR) in section 740.18 of the Export Administration Regulations which authorizes exports and certain reexports of eligible agricultural commodities that are classified as EAR99 to Cuba. Under License Exception AGR exporters must notify BIS and obtain confirmation from BIS that no agency of the U.S. Government that reviews AGR notifications objects to the sale prior to any export or reexport to Cuba.
A copy of the complete notice can be found at the following link: