Text of Omnibus FY 2005 Spending Bill Available on House Rules Committee Web Site
The House Rules Committee has posted the hand-marked text and statement of conferees of the Conference Report to H.R. 4818, the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2005 on its Web site at www.house.gov/rules/h4818crfulltext.htm. The $388 billion omnibus spending bill for FY 2005 was passed by the House and Senate on November 20, 2004. H.R. 4818 makes appropriations for the Departments of Agriculture, Commerce/Justice/State; Energy & Water; Foreign Operations; Interior; Labor/HHS/Education; Legislative Branch; Transportation/Treasury; and VA/HUD. OFAC and BIS received a slight increase in their FY 2005 appropriations. The final version of the spending bill did not include provisions that would have liberalized trade with Cuba and repealed mandatory country of origin labels on imported food products. Both of these provisions were included in the original conference report passed earlier by the House and Senate but were struck at the last minute from the final version.