Census Bureau to Soon Publish Mandatory AES Proposed Rule
The Bureau of the Census is expected to publish in the Federal Register later this week or early next week the long-awaited proposed rule making major changes to the Foreign Trade Statistics Regulations and requiring mandatory filing of Shipper's Export Declarations via the Automated Export System (AES). An article describing these changes can be found found in the latest issue of Global Watch - The Newsletter of the International Import-Export Institute at the following link: www.djacobsonlaw.com/documents/IIEINewsletter(Jan-Feb2005).pdf.
Companies interested in performing an internal audit of their prior SED filings can request one year’s worth of SED data from the Bureau of the Census at no charge. Anyone interested in receiving an example of the format for requesting SED data from Census can send their request to info@djacobsonlaw.com. Please indicate "SED Letter" in the subject line of your request.
Labels: AES