CBP Publishes Interim Rule on U.S.-Chile Free Trade Agreement Procedures
U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) today published in the Federal Register interim regulations to implement the preferential tariff treatment and other customs-related provisions of the U.S.-Chile Free Trade Agreement (FTA). The interim rule becomes effective today and comments on the interim rule must be submitted to CBP by June 6, 2005.
The interim rule addresses the following issues under the U.S.-Chile FTA:
*Import requirements, including importers obligations for filing of claims for preferential tariff treatment and maintenance of records;
*Filing of claims for tariff preference level and goods eligible for tariff preference claims;
*Export requirements;
*Duty drawback procedures;
*Details on determining the rules of origin for preferential claims;
*Procedures for origin verifications and determinations;
*Penalties for violations.
The interim rule can be found at the following link: