House Trade Subcommittee Sets Deadline to Introduce Tariff and Miscelleanous Tariff Corrections Legislation
Congressman E. Clay Shaw, Jr. (R-FL), Chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee's Subcommittee on Trade has advised members of the U.S. House of Representatives that the deadline for submitting tariff legislation or miscellaneous corrections to the trade laws is Thursday, April 28, 2005. This deadline was set to give the Subcommittee on Trade sufficient time to evaluate and consider these bills. After collecting and reviewing bills introduced by this deadline, the Subcommittee on Trade will issue an advisory requesting public comment on the bills it identifies to assist it in marking up the legislation. In addition, the Subcommittee on Trade will request a review and analysis of each bill from the U.S. Trade Representative, the U.S. International Trade Commission and Customs and Border Protection. Bills that create revenue losses exceeding $500,000 per year, operate retroactively or attract significant controversy or opposition are not likely to be included in a miscellaneous trade bill.