New U.S.-Cuba Trade Association Formed
A group of companies, state agencies and organizations have formed the U.S.-Cuba Trade Association (USCTA), whose mission is "to protect current trade with Cuba, expand and increase the potential for future business, and promote the full normalization of commercial relations between the U.S. and Cuba."
The Board of Directors of the USCTA is headed by Bill Reinsch, former Under Secretary of Commerce and current President of the National Foreign Trade Council (NFTC). The USCTA has formed a strategic partnership with the NFTC and its USA*Engage Coalition of more than 600 U.S. companies which have opposed the use of unilateral economic sanctions, including the Cuba embargo.
The USCTA has a distinguished Board of Advisors, chaired by William D. Rogers, former Assistant Secretary of State and a Vice Chairman of Kissinger Associates.
More information on the USCTA, including a list of the members of the Board of Directors, Board of Advisors and membership information, can be found at