Customs Reminds Brokers to Validate Identify and Authority of Customs Powers of Attorney
Customs and Border Protection (CBP) has issued a notice on its website reminding customs brokers of the importance of validating and verifying the identity and legal authority of customs powers of attorney (POA).
CBP notice states that security concerns, the broker's own professional business interests and continuing obligation to demonstrate "reasonable care" require verification of the POA grantor's identity and legal authority to enter into a POA.
CBP provided the following examples of ways a customs broker can validate a POA:
- Have POAs completed in person so the grantor's personal identification (drivers license, passport, etc.) can be reviewed.
- Check applicable websites to verify the POA grantor's business and registration with state authorities.
- If the principal uses a trade or fictitious name in doing business, confirm that the name appears on the POA.
- Verify that the importer's name, importer number and Employer Identification Number on the POA match what is in ACS.
- Check whether the POA grantor is named as a sanctioned or restricted person or entity by the U.S. Government (BIS Denied Parties List, etc.).