This Week at the U.S. International Trade Commission (May 23 through May 27, 2005)
May 23, 2005: No hearings, votes or meetings scheduled.
May 24, 2005: Preliminary Conference -- Preliminary phase antidumping investigation: Diamond Sawblades and Parts Thereof from China and Korea, Inv. Nos. 731-TA-1092-1093 (Preliminary), 9:30 a.m., Courtroom A, ITC Building. Federal Register notice:
[Note: This conference has been postponed to June 15, 2004]
Commission Vote -- Five-year (sunset) reviews: Iron Construction Castings from Brazil, Canada, and China, Inv. Nos. 701-TA-249 and 731-TA-262, 263, and 265 (Second Review), 11:00 AM
ITC Building. Federal Register notice:
May 25, 2005: Commission Hearing -- Five-year (sunset) review: Petroleum Wax Candles from China, Inv. No. 731-TA-282 (Second Review), 9:30 AM, ITC Building. Federal Register notice:
May 26-27, 2005: No hearings, votes or meetings scheduled.