BIS Posts 300+ Comments on Proposed Deemed Export Changes
The Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) has posted the numerous public comments it received on the March 28, 2005 advance notice of proposed rulemaking (ANPR) seeking input on proposed changes to the regulations governing the issuance of "deemed export" licenses for the transfer of controlled technology to foreign nationals in the U.S.
BIS included all 300+ comments, consisting of more than 1,100 pages of text, in a single PDF file. As a result, the file is more than 84 megabytes in size. Due its size, you SHOULD NOT attempt to open the file unless you have a very fast internet connection.
As previously reported, the majority of the comments (approximately 67%) are from universities, with the remainder from industry and other trade associations, law firms, companies and individuals.
The PDF file containing the comments can be viewed at the following link (see the above disclaimer before trying to open this link):