Antidumping and Countervailing Petitions Filed on Lined Paper School Supplies
The Association of American School Paper Suppliers, an ad hoc trade association of U.S. producers of paper school supplies, filed petitions on September 9, 2005, with the U.S. Department of Commerce and the U.S. International Trade Commission, alleging that imports of lined paper school supplies from India, Indonesia and the People's Republic of China are being sold at less than fair value and are causing material injury to the U.S. industry. The petitions also allege that imports from India and Indonesia are benefiting from government subsidies. The petitions seek the imposition of antidumping and countervailing duties against imports of lined paper school supplies from the three countries to counter the material injury and threat of material injury caused by the unfairly traded imports.
The petition covers lined paper school supplies on which notes are taken and includes school notebooks and filler paper. The antidumping margins alleged in the petition range from 207 to 319% for China, 157 to 208% for India and 103 to 177% for Indonesia. In addition, the petition alleges substantial countervailing duty margins against India and Indonesia.
The Association of American School Paper Suppliers includes the following domestic producers: MeadWestvaco Consumer and Office Products Division of MeadWestvaco Corporation, Norcom, Inc. and Top Flight, Inc.
Labels: Countervailing Duties