Latest C-TPAT Statistics
The following are the most recent statistics issued by U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) on the status of the Customs-Trade Partnership Against Terrorism (C-TPAT) program:
9,920 C-TPAT Applicants to date (note that "applicant is a new term used by CBP to denote an entity that has submitted an application to participate in C-TPAT), consisting of the following categories:
5,416 Importers
1,511 Broker/forwarders/consolidators
2,505 Carriers (air, sea, rail, truck)
55 Port authorities/terminal operators
433 Foreign Manufacturers
5,294 Total Certified Partners (note that not all applicants have been certified), consisting of the following categories:
2,913 Importers
996 Broker/forwarders/consolidators
1,176 Carriers (air, sea, rail, truck)
28 Port authorities/terminal operators
181 Foreign Manufacturers
2,812 Initiated Validations (i.e., letters sent to certified partner, but validation may not yet be complete), consisting of the following categories:
2,071 Importers
219 Broker/forwarders/consolidators
313 Carriers (air, sea, rail, truck)
28 Port authorities/terminal operators
181 Foreign Manufacturers
CBP has indicated that validation is now its number one C-TPAT priority and CPB has ramped up its hiring process and plans to hire a total of 147 specialists to conduct validations. A number of C-TPAT field offices have been opened around the country.
Labels: Customs