U.S. Coalition Criticizes WTO Zeroing Decision
The Committee to Support U.S. Trade Laws (CUSTL) today issued a press release criticizing the recent World Trade Organization Appellate Body's decision in the antidumping "zeroing" dispute brought by the European Union against the U.S.
"The Appellate Body's decision on the 'zeroing issue' is a clear example of WTO overreaching its legal mandate," said Joseph L. Mayer, CUSTL's chairman. He also said that "the U.S. methodology that determines accurate dumping margins is not mentioned in any WTO agreement. Therefore the WTO has no business using its dispute resolution system to undermine this important U.S. practice." Mayer called for the U.S. government to challenge the decision at the WTO.
The CSUSTL is an organization of companies, trade associations, labor unions, workers, and individuals committed to preserving and enhancing U.S. trade laws.
Labels: Antidumping