House Passes Amendment Aimed at Easing Restrictions on Agricultural Sales to Cuba
The U.S. House of Representatives yesterday passed by voice vote an amendment offered by Representative Jerry Moran (R-KS) Âto facilitate agricultural trade between the U.S. and Cuba" during the debate on the FY 2007 Transportation, Treasury and Housing appropriations bill. This amendment would deny funding to enforce the restrictions imposed by OFAC in February 2005 on cash-in-advance payments for agricultural products. Representative Moran said as a result of OFAC's policy change U.S. exports of corn to Cuba fell 21%, meat product sales declined 26% and wheat sales decreased by 17%.
A separate amendment to deny funding for OFAC enforcement of restrictions on religious travel to Cuba was presented by Representative Jeff Flake (R-AZ), but later withdrawn due to a lack of votes to pass the amendment.
USA*Engage Director Jake Colvin said "passage of the Moran amendment today is an encouraging step towards common-sense engagement with Cuba. USA*Engage urges Congressional leaders to heed the calls by Members on the House floor today to spread U.S. values and the promise of democracy by increasing trade, travel and educational exchanges. It is past time for us to rethink the failed Cold War-era policies of the past, and embrace new approaches that would benefit the Cuban people."
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