CBP Commissioner Outlines Agency's Five Priorities
In a speech yesterday to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce in Washington, DC, Commissioner of U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) W. Ralph Basham outlined CBP's five priorities:
- Protecting business from unfair trade practices by enforcing antidumping and countervailing duty requirements to ensure the accurate collection of revenues linked to these trade actions;
- Enforcing trade laws related to admissibility, including anti-circumvention laws, trade agreements and trade legislation pertaining to imported textiles.
- Regulating trade practices to ensure strong controls over the revenue process and collecting the appropriate revenues due to the Treasury.
- Protecting the American public, American agriculture and the nation’s economy from the intentional or unintentional contamination of agricultural products or food.
- Protecting American business from theft of Intellectual Property Rights.
Labels: Customs