ITC Votes to Continue Antidumping and Countervailing Duty Cases on Coated Free Sheet Paper
The United States International Trade Commission (ITC) today issued affirmative preliminary injury determinations in the antidumping and countervailing duty investigations on coated free sheet paper from China, Indonesia and Korea.
Vice Chairman Shara L. Aranoff and Commissioners Stephen Koplan, Deanna Tanner Okun, and Charlotte R. Lane voted in the affirmative. Chairman Daniel R. Pearson voted in the negative. Commissioner Jennifer A. Hillman did not participate in these investigations.
As a result of the ITC's affirmative determinations, the Commerce Department will continue to conduct its investigations of imports of coated free sheet paper from China, Indonesia, and Korea, with its preliminary countervailing duty determinations due on or about January 24, 2007, and its preliminary antidumping determinations due on or about April 9, 2007.
As previously reported, this case is unique since the petitioner is requesting the U.S. to impose countervailing duties on China, a country designated as a non-market economy (NME). This is the first countervailing duty investigation involving the PRC since 1991, when the Commerce Department initiated investigations on lugnuts and ceiling fans, which were subsequently terminated.
The Commerce Department recently published a notice seeking public comments on the applicability of the countervailing duty law to imports from the People's Republic of China.
Labels: Antidumping, Countervailing Duties