Update on D-Trade Software Issues
The repaired D-Trade software is expected to be delivered 8 AM Tuesday January 16. Our goal is to begin the three day testing cycle when we receive the new software. In order to minimize the impact on business, we do not upgrade software Monday through Friday. As a result, the next possible opportunity for upgrading is Saturday January 20.
Today’s discussions with the software developers showed me that license applications submitted between January 8 and January 10 have a very high probability of needing to be resubmitted. Please check back Tuesday for updates as we determine exactly which data sent during the January 8-10 period require resubmission to DDTC.
In the meantime, D-Trade remains functional, utilizing the previous software. Industry may continue to submit DSP-5s, -61s and -73s as new applications.
If you have a case that requires expedited attention, please bring it to the attention of our Response Team.
Thanks for your patience as we work to correct this problem.
Labels: DDTC, Export Controls