Saudi Arabia Continues to Enforce Boycott of Israel
Monday's Jerusalem Post reports that "despite a promise made to Washington nearly 18 months ago" Saudi Arabia continues to enforce the Arab League boycott of Israel and "bar entry to products manufactured in Israel or to foreign-made goods containing Israeli components."
The article quotes a number of Saudi customs officials as stating that "goods made in Israel are not allowed here in Saudi Arabia . . . ." Another Saudi customs official said if a good "is made in Israel, then it is not allowed here in Saudi Arabia. If it is made in any other country, then no problem. But not from Israel." The article states that "Israeli-made goods would be confiscated upon arrival" in Saudi Arabia.
The article notes that U.S. officials "continue to raise the boycott issue with their Saudi counterparts" and that U.S. Trade Representative Susan Schwab recently wrote a letter to Senator Gordon Smith (R-OR) confirming that continued Saudi enforcement of the Israel boycott would "not be in keeping" with Riyadh's WTO commitments.