Commerce Department Announces Preliminary Dumping Margins on Coated Free Sheet Paper
The U.S. Department of Commerce yesterday announced its affirmative preliminary determinations in the antidumping duty investigations on coated free sheet paper from China, Indonesia, and Korea. The preliminary dumping margins ranged from 23.19% to 99.65% for the Chinese respondents, 10.85% on the Indonesian respondents and zero to 30.86% for the Korean respondents.
The antidumping petition that led to the initiation of this investigation was filed by NewPage Corporation of Dayton, Ohio. NewPage also filed countervailing duty petitions on imports of coated free sheet paper from China, Indonesia and Korea. The preliminary affirmative countervailing duty determinations were published in the Federal Register on April 9, 2007.
Coated free sheet paper is used by the commercial printing industry to produce high-quality books, gift wrap and advertising materials.
The fact sheet issued by Commerce in this case can be found at the following link:
Labels: Antidumping, Countervailing Duties