Senate Passes (Incorrect) International Emergency Powers Act
Late Tuesday, the Senate unanimously passed S. 1612, the International Emergency Powers Act. As previously reported, the bill would increase significantly the civil and criminal penalty amounts associated with violations of the International Emergency Economic Powers Act.
However, as a result of a last minute amendment introduced by Senator Salazar (D-CO) on Senator Dodd's (D-CT) behalf that was intended to change the effective date of the bill, the final version of the bill that passed the Senate and sent to the House increased the criminal penalties only.
The Senate apparently realized its mistake and, as indicated below, the Majority Leader yesterday requested the House to return the bill so it can be corrected.
[Congressional Record Page: S8638]
REQUEST FOR THE RETURN OF PAPERS--S. 1612 -- (Senate - June 27, 2007)
Mr. REID. Mr. President, I ask unanimous consent the Senate request the return of papers on the bill S. 1612 from the House of Representatives. I further ask consent that upon compliance with this request, the Secretary of the Senate be authorized to make corrections in the engrossment of this bill.
The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without objection, it is so ordered.