Commerce Department Amends Final Dumping Margins on Polyethylene Retail Carrier Bags from Thailand and China
The Commerce Department today announced in the Federal Register that it has amended the dumping margins announced in the June 10, 2004 final antidumping determination issued in the antidumping investigation on Polyethylene Retail Carrier Bags (PRCB) from Thailand and China. The amended dumping margins were made due to the correction of clerical errors that were made in the final determination.
In the case involving imports from Thailand, the margin the Thai Plastic Bags Industries Group (TPBG) increased from 0.62% to 2.26% and the margin for Advance Polybag Inc., Alpine Plastics Inc., API Enterprises Inc., and Universal Polybag Co., Ltd. (collectively, Universal) decreased from 5.66% to 5.35%. The "all others" rate decreased from 5.66% to 2.80%.
A number of changes were made to the dumping margins in the case involving PRCBs from China. With one exception, the dumping margins announced for Chinese firms receiving an individual rate increased slightly, resulting in an increase of the PRC-wide rate from 77.33% to 77.57%. In addition, the dumping margin for those companies that provided responses to section A of the antidumping questionnaire decreased to 25.69%.
The U.S. International Trade Commission is expected to make its final injury determination on PRCBs from Thailand and China late today.