U.S. Commerce Department Imposes 22.52 Percent Antidumping Duty on Japanese Outboard Engines
Today the U.S. Department of Commerce (DOC) announced the preliminary results in the antidumping duty investigation on outboard engines from Japan. DOC found a 22.52% preliminary dumping margin found for all Japanese outboard engine manufacturers, Yamaha, Honda and Suzuki. U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) will require importers of these products to post a bond or pay a cash deposit equal to 22.52% of the import value once the preliminary results are published in the Federal Register next week. DOC will issue the final antidumping determination later this year.
This antidumping investigation was initiated following the submission of an antidumping duty petition by Mercury Marine. The petition alleged dumping margins of 11.80% - 41.50%. The products subject to this investigation are gasoline-powered spark outboard motors designed and used for all types of light recreational and commercial boats. These products are classified in the Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (HTSUS) at subheadings 8407.21.0040 and 8407.21.0080.