CBP Proposes Changes to Entry Summary Forms (Forms 7501 and 7501A)
U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) has proposed changes to the layout of CBP Forms 7501 and 7501A, the entry summary and entry summary continuation sheet, and is requesting comments on the changes. The changes to the forms include the following:
1. Larger font size;
2. Block for broker filer code;
3. Block for other fee summary;
4. Block for total entered value;
5. Block for broker information.
As you will note, there are several typographical errors on the proposed form that need to be corrected (i.e., the word "ascertained" is not spelled correctly in certain places). Comments on the proposed Form 7501 and 7501A should be send to Mr. Bruce Coulliette at BRUCE.COULLIETTE@DHS.GOV by October 22, 2004.
The forms can be viewed at the following link: www.cbp.gov/xp/cgov/toolbox/forms/.