DOC Announces Affirmative Prelminary Determinations in Chlorinated Isocyanurates Antidumping Investigations
The U.S. Department of Commerce (DOC) today announced its affirmative preliminary determinations in the antidumping duty investigations on imports of chlorinated isocyanurates from Spain and the People's Republic of China (PRC). DOC preliminarily determined that producers/exporters have sold chlorinated isocyanurates in the U.S. market at less than fair value, with a margin of 12.13 percent for Spain, and with margins ranging from 125.97% to 179.48% percent for the PRC .
DOC determined that certain Chinese companies that voluntarily responded to the Department's Section A questionnaire have demonstrated an absence of government control from their export activities and are eligible to receive "separate-rate" status. The Department will apply the weighted-average dumping margin of the mandatory respondents in this investigation (140.27%) to these companies for the purpose of the preliminary determination.
DOC is expected to announce its final determinations in this case in early May 2005. If the Department makes final determinations that imports were sold below fair value, and the U.S. International Trade Commission (ITC) makes a final affirmative determination that imports are materially injuring, or threatening to materially injure, the domestic industry, the Department will issue antidumping duty orders, and instruct U.S. Customs and Border Protection to collect cash deposits for antidumping duties at specified rates.
The petitions requesting the initiation of these investigations were filed on May 14, 2004, by Clearon Corporation (NJ) and Occidental Chemical Corporation (TX). The products covered by this investigation are chlorinated isocyanurates, a chemical used as sanitizing, disinfecting, and bleaching agents. This product is classifiable under subheading 2933.69.6050 of the Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (HTSUS).