Next RPTAC Meeting Will Take Place on March 8, 2005
The next meeting of the Bureau of Industry and Security's Regulations and Procedures Technical Advisory Committee (commonly referred to as the "RPTAC") will occur on March 8, 2005 at 9:00 a.m. in Room 3884 of the Herbert C. Hoover Building (main Commerce Department building) in Washington, DC. The agenda for the RPTAC's public session includes the following items:
1. Opening remarks by the Chairman.
2. Presentation of papers or comments by the public.
3. Update on Export Administration Regulations.
4. Review of interim rule on expansion of missile-related end-use/user controls.
5. Update on proposed rule on "knowledge", "red flags" and "safe harbor".
6. Update on computer and microprocessor technology controls.
7. Update on encryption controls.
8. Update on country group revision project.
9. Update on Excluded Parties Listing System (EPLS) project.
10. Update on Automated Export System (AES).
11. Update on Office of Export Enforcement initiatives.
12. Presentation on Export Management and Compliance Program CD.
13. Reports from working groups.
Following the public session the RPTAC will meet in a session that is closed to the public. A limited number of seats will be available for the public session and reservations are not accepted.