Senator Dorgan to Introduce Cuba Travel Ban Amendment
Tomorrow, October 17, 2005, the U.S. Senate will commence debate on H.R. 3058, the fiscal year 2006 appropriations bill for the Departments of Transportation, Treasury and Housing and Urban Development, the Judiciary, the District of Columbia and independent agencies. Senator Byron Dorgan (D-ND) is expected to offer an amendment to the bill that would prohibit funding to the Treasury Department's Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) that would be used to enforce travel-related sanctions on Cuba. This is the same travel amendment that has passed the Senate and the House in the past, but was removed in conference committee under a veto threat from the President.
The version of H.R. 3058 passed by the House contains a provision that would prohibit OFAC from using funds to implement OFAC's February 25, 2005 amendment to the Cuban Assets Control Regulations that imposed restrictions on "payments of cash in advance" for U.S. agricultural exports to Cuba. The Administration's Statement of Policy on the bill maintains that the President would veto the bill if the final version contained such a provision.
Labels: OFAC