Senate Finance Committee Holds Hearing on USTR Nominee
The Senate Finance Committee today held a hearing to consider the nomination of Susan C. Schwab to be the next U.S. Trade Representative. The opening statement of Ambassador Schwab, who currently serves as Deputy USTR, can be found at the following link. In her testimony, she said she considers herself "a free trade activist and a free trade pragmatist." During the hearing, Ambassador Schwab also said the U.S. and Canada will soon finalize the details of the recently announced softwood lumber settlement agreement.
Ranking Member Senator Max Baucus (D-MT) told the nominee that "you have already proved yourself an able trade negotiator by settling the longstanding dispute with Canada over lumber imports. If you can resolve that difficult issue, then I am confident that you have the mettle to tackle the many difficult issues on your plate." Senator Baucus concluded by saying he looks forward to the "speedy confirmation" of Susan Schwab to serve as the 15th United States Trade Representative.
Separately, the Senate Finance Committee postponed today's hearing to consider the nomination of W. Ralph Basham to be the next Commissioner of Customs and the proposed legislation implementing the U.S.-Oman Free Trade Agreement until 10:30 a.m. on Thursday, May 18th.