Senate Finance Committee Holds Hearing on U.N. Convention Against Corruption
On June 21, 2006, the Senate Committee On Foreign Relations held a hearing on the U.N. Convention Against Corruption (Convention), which was signed by the U.S. in December 2003 and transmitted to the Senate for advice and consent last October. The Convention, which entered into force on December 15, 2005, has been ratified by 58 countries. The U.S. is among 82 countries that have signed, but not yet ratified the Convention.
The witnesses at the hearing included, Samuel Witten, Deputy Legal Adviser at the Department of State; Bruce Swartz, Deputy Assistant Attorney General in the Criminal Division of the Department of Justice; Alan Larson, Chairman of Transparency International-USA; and William Reinsch, President of the National Foreign Trade Council (click here for his testimony). The hearing can be viewed at the following link: