DDTC Phases Out ELLIE Licensing System and Carbon Export License Forms
The Directorate of Defense Trade Controls (DDTC) has announced that the ELLIE system will no longer be available for the submission of DSP-5, DSP-61 and DSP-73 license applications.
In addition, DDTC has announced that the generic DSP-119 amendment form will continue to be available for amending licenses. However, DDTC expects the new D-Trade amendment forms (the DSP-6, DSP-62, and DSP-74) to be available in the last quarter of 2006 and will eventually replace the DSP-119 form.
DDTC has also announced that DDTC registration will be available via D-Trade "in the near future" and agreements forms are being readied for a Fall 2006 re-deployment.
DDTC reports that use of D-Trade has been gradually increasing and that approximately 40% of all license applications are submitted via D-Trade. Once DDTC achieves full D-Trade functionality (meaning all forms are available and no major technical obstacles) DDTC will require exporters to use D-Trade for the submission of all defense trade licenses. The only exceptions will be applications containing classified information and a few other miscellaneous reasons.
Labels: DDTC, Export Controls