BIS Publishes EAR "Fix-It" Rule
The Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) published in today's Federal Register a final "fix-it" rule making the following changes to the Export Administration Regulations (EAR):
- Revised office names and addresses to reflect the creation of the Office of Technology Evaluation, which is responsibility for conducting investigations into the effect of imported articles on the national security pursuant to part 705 of the National Security Industrial Base Regulations. The rule also updates the statement of BIS organization to remove the reference to the Director, Office of International Programs and adds a reference to the Office of Technology Evaluation.
- Updated the statements of legal authority for parts 730, 736, 747, 754, 756, 760, 766, 768 and 770 to reflect the legal authorities in currently in effect.
- Updated section 744.19 of the EAR to replace to reflect the change in name of the Iran Nonproliferation Act of 2000 to the Iran, North Korea and Syria Nonproliferation Act.
Labels: BIS