Report on Ireland's Export Licensing System Published
The Government of Ireland (GOI) has published a report on Ireland's export licensing system for military and dual-use goods manufactured or assembled in Ireland.
The report was commissioned by the GOI to review the licensing of military and dual military/civilian-use goods for international sale from Ireland, with a view to recommending to Government how best Ireland can modernize and strengthen its export licensing controls so as to ensure full compliance with its international obligations. The review of Ireland's export licensing system was prepared by Fitzpatrick Consultants Economic Consultants, located in Dublin, and the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI).In preparing the report, the consultants obtained the views of interested parties in Ireland, they examined relevant national background agreements and arrangements, and reviewed the export licensing systems of a number of other countries, including the U.S., U.K., Sweden and Austria.
The report proposes a number of areas in which Ireland's export licensing system can be improved, including:
- introduction of new primary legislation to govern Irish military exports, and filling a number of gaps in the Irish regime;
- enhanced co-operation between the Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment and the other agencies with a role in the area including the Department of Foreign Affairs and Customs;
- better use of new technology including introduction of web-based export license applications;
- greater preventative enforcement through information provision to all actual and potential exporters about the requirements of export licenses, particularly in the case of dual-use goods where exporters might be unaware of their obligations;
- ensuring that relevant exporters have good in-company compliance procedures rather than detailed item auditing by the authorities;
- publication of a annual report on export licensing activity.
The 177 page report can be found at the following site: