U.S.-Russian Federation Steel Trade Agreement Has Expired
Customs and Border Protection (CBP) has issued an administrative message to U.S. ports of entry advising that the agreement on trade in steel products that was entered into between the U.S. and the Russian Federation on July 12, 1999 expired on July 12, 2004. The agreement established limits on the export of 16 categories of steel products to the U.S. that were not currently covered by antidumping duty orders. The agreement required all exports of covered products to be accompanied by a valid export license issued by the Russian Federation.
The administrative message issued by CBP stated that for shipments of merchandise covered by the agreement that are entered, withdrawn for consumption, or exported from the Russian Federation before July 12, 2004, entry release shall be permitted "only upon presentation of a valid export license." In addition, shipments exported from the Russian Federation on or after July 12, 2004 will not require an export license prior to be released for entry into the Customs Territory of the U.S.