DDTC to Upgrade D-Trade on January 8, 2007
On December 27, 2006, the Directorate of Defense Trade Controls (DDTC) issued the following announcement regarding the upcoming upgrade to the D-Trade licensing system:
D-Trade Upgrade on January 8
DDTC will upgrade to D-Trade v4.8 on Monday, January 8. As of that date, the following forms will be available for use in D-Trade: DSP-5 v2.3, DSP-61 v1.1, DSP-73 v1.1, DSP-6 v1.0, DSP-62 v1.0, and DSP-74 v1.0. (Although the new versions of the DSP-5, -61, and -73 will have the same version numbers, they will in fact be different versions. They will be differentiated from the current versions by a new “update” date.)
As of January 8, the current version of forms will no longer be accepted. At that time, the new form versions will be available. Until that time, please continue to use the current form versions. In the meantime, for the purposes of familiarization, the new form versions are available at the D-Trade Info Center under the header “D-Trade v4.8 – Preview of New Form Versions.” Please do not attempt to submit these form versions before January 8.
From January 8 and onward, in order to complete and submit the new forms, you will be required to download the new PureEdge Viewer v6.5, which is available in the D-Trade Info Center. The new PureEdge Viewer will open all versions of the DSP-5, DSP-61, and DSP-73 forms, even though you should only submit the new versions after January 8.
In order to put D-Trade v4.8 in place, the D-Trade System will be taken off line at 6 p.m. ET on Friday, January 5. It will be back on line by 9 a.m. ET on Monday, January 8. We strongly suggest you take time now to download the new D-Trade Industry User Manual, download and install PureEdge Form Viewer v6.5, and review the new for versions and guidelines for the forms. The form guidelines are available on the Information Center page under the header “Guidelines.”
Please direct questions regarding the D-Trade v4.8 upgrade to the D-Trade Help Desk.
Labels: DDTC