Bureau of Industry and Security Unveils New License Exception Strategic Trade Authorization (STA)
As part of the ongoing export control reform process, the Bureau of Industry and Security today published in the Federal Register (PDF version of notice) the anticipated new license exception Strategic Trade Authorization (STA).
Under the U.S. Export Administration Regulations, a license exception authorizes the export or reexport of eligible products, software and technology without having to submit a license application and obtain a license from BIS as long as the specific conditions of the license exception are followed.
While License Exception STA will take effect immediately for eligible products, software and technology, as discussed below, it will take some time before the Automated Export System (AES) is modified by the Census Bureau to add the appropriate code in AES.
The scope of the final version of License Exception STA was significantly changed from the version included in the proposed rule published in December 2010. For example, the list of countries eligible to export controlled items that are considered to be less sensitive items was narrowed from 125 countries to eight. Although the final rule does not mention the reason, Ukraine was removed from the list of STA eligible countries.
In addition, based on input received during the public comment period BIS has clearly indicated that License Exception STA can be used for "deemed exports."
According to the final rule, License Exception STA can only be used to export products, software and technology in specific Export Control Classification Numbers (ECCNs) on the Commerce Control List without a license to the following 36 countries (known as 740.20(c)(1) destinations):
Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Canada, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, and the United Kingdom.
ECCNs eligible to be exported to these 36 countries are indicated by the designation "STA" in the License Exception section of the particular ECCN.
For certain ECCNs involving less sensitive items, software and technology, the following eight additional countries (known as 740.20(c)(2) destinations) are eligible for license exception STA shipments:
Albania, Hong Kong, India, Israel, Malta, Singapore, South Africa, and Taiwan.
However, items controlled for national security reasons are not eligible to be exported under STA to these eight countries and are indicated by "exclusion paragraphs" in the specific ECCN text.
In addition, items on the Commerce Control List that are subject to control for encryption (EI), short supply (SS), surreptitious listening (SL), missile technology (MT), chemical weapons (CW), and human rights reasons are not eligible for License Exception STA because of various requirements imposed by statutes, treaties or U.S. implementation of international commitments.
The final rule made some favorable changes to the notification requirement contained in the proposed rule. However, the following three conditions will apply to exports, reexports and transfers made under STA:
Condition 1. The consignee must be furnished with the ECCN that applies to each item transferred under License Exception STA. The ECCN notification needs to be made only once for each item to be shipped. As long as the ECCN remains accurate, it does not need to be refurnished for subsequent shipments.
Condition 2. Consignees must provide, prior to the shipment, the following written statement identifying the items to be shipped and restating the ECCN(s) to be shipped.
[CONSIGNEE NAME]:The consignee’s written statement must be maintained as well as a log or other written record that identifies each shipment associated with a particular statement.
(i) Is aware that [INSERT DESCRIPTION AND APPLICABLE ECCNS OF ITEMS TO BE SHIPPED] will be shipped pursuant to License Exception Strategic Trade Authorization (STA) in § 740.20 of the United States Export Administration Regulations (15 CFR 740.20); (ii) Has been informed of the ECCNs noted above by [INSERT NAME OF EXPORTER, REEXPORTER OR TRANSFEROR];
(iii) Understands that items shipped pursuant to License Exception STA may not subsequently be reexported pursuant to paragraphs (a) or (b) of License Exception APR (15 CFR 740.16(a) or (b));
(iv) Agrees not to export, reexport or transfer these items to any destination, use or user prohibited by the United States Export Administration Regulations; and
(v) Agrees to provide copies of this document and all other export, reexport or transfer records (i.e., the documents described in 15 CFR part 762) relevant to the items referenced in this statement to the U.S. Government as set forth in 15 CFR 762.7.
Condition 3. The consignee must be notified in writing that the shipment is made pursuant to License Exception STA. The notice must either specify which items are subject to License Exception STA or state that the entire shipment is made pursuant to License Exception STA. The notice must clearly identify the shipment to which it refers. The written notice may be conveyed by paper documents or by electronic methods such as facsimile or email.
For "deemed exports," the ECCN notification, consignee statement, and destination control statement requirements are replaced with a requirement that the releaser of the technology or source code notify the recipient in writing of the restrictions on further release and other requirements.
As with all BIS license exceptions, the applicable license exception symbol and code will have to be reported in Electronic Export Information (EEI) filings, regardless of the value of the shipment. The U.S. Census Bureau will soon modify the Automated Export System (AES) by adding a new License Type Code for License Exception STA.
BIS has previously indicated that License Exception STA has the potential to eliminate approximately 3,000 individual licenses that BIS issued last year. Given the narrowed scope of the final version of STA, this number is likely to be reduced. Nevertheless, even if a smaller number of individual licenses do not have to be obtained by U.S. exporters, License Exception STA is a positive development.
Labels: BIS, Export Controls
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Posted by
Anonymous |
11:55 PM
I recently attended the FAIR seminar in Reston and was told by Deputy Wolfe that 0a987 was specifically included in the STA exemption. After looking at the CCL I do not find that to be true. Opinion?
Posted by
alex roy |
7:50 PM