Customs Issues Byrd Amendment 2004 Annual Report
U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) has issued its fiscal year 2004 annual report on the Continued Dumping and Subsidy Offset Act of 2000 (CDSOA) program, commonly known as the Byrd Amendment. The three-part report contains detailed information on the disbursements made to Byrd Amendment claimants, the amount of uncollected duties in each case and the amounts contained in the clearing account for each case.
The report indicates that CBP paid more than $284 million in Byrd Amendment funds to U.S. companies during fiscal year 2004. The Timken Company, a manufacturer of bearing products, was the largest single recipient of Byrd Amendment funds, receiving payments of $39.7 million. The payments include $6.5 million related to the
The FY 2004 CDSOA report can be found at the following link: