Cigar Aficionado Magazine Focuses on Cuba
The recently issued June issue of Cigar Aficionado magazine is dedicated to Cuba.
According to the magazine's website, the issue "delves into the island nation from all angles. We sit down with top U.S. politicians, both Democrat and Republican, as well as government insiders, from Cuba and the United States, to examine the policy divide that splits Washington along party lines and two nations separated by a 90-mile stretch of sea."
"We follow that up with a comprehensive travel guide that will give any visitor the ins and outs of the island. We find the best hotels in Cuba; profile the home-style cooking that dominates the restaurant scene; lend a helping hand in navigating Havana's cigar shops; outline the increased travel restrictions and the channels that sidestep some of them; and highlight a new lineup of star cigars on the market."
Before traveling to Cuba or buying Cuban cigars, however, U.S. persons should be sure to review the Cuba sanctions page on the Treasury Department's Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC), which sets for the current rules and regulations on traveling to Cuba, including the rules applicable to purchasing Cuban cigars in Cuba and elsewhere.