DDTC to Require Electronic Submission of Certain License Applications on April 30, 2007
The Directorate of Defense Trade Controls (DDTC) announced today that effective April 30, 2007, it will no longer accepts the “carbon paper” or “downloadable” versions of the following forms: DSP-5 (permanent export of defense articles), DSP-61 (temporary import of defense articles), and DSP-73 (temporary export of defense articles). Only the electronic versions of these forms may be used and they must be submitted to DDTC via D-Trade, DDTC's electronic licensing system. Any “carbon paper” or “downloadable” form postmarked or hand delivered after April 30, 2007 will be returned to the applicant.
For license amendments, the DSP-119 form may still be used until replaced by the DSP-6, DSP-62, and DSP-74.
DDTC stated that this policy does not affect the following applications, certificates and agreements: DSP-85 (Application/License for Permanent/Temporary Export or Temporary Import of Classified Defense Articles and Classified Technical Data), DSP-53 (International Import Certificate), General Correspondences (GCs), Agreements and Agreement Amendments (AGs, TAAs, MAs, DAs), and Brokering Requests (BAs).
Labels: DDTC